
from: all over
first memory: breakfast this morning
afraid of: children
anticipating: lots of $

Tuesday, March 31, 2009



My interview with OMSI went real well today, it went like an interview normally does for me, thank god. I will find out later this week if I get it. The exciting thing is that if I get it the one and only designer there is going on paternity leave, so for 3 weeks of the 10 I will be running the show, all by my self. Thats a lot of pressure, but a lot of good experience.

I built a new portfolio for the occasion... turned out well.

Spoke too soon...


The lady who interviewed me for the Blazers is going to meet with me next Wed. to go over my portfolio! I know I am a jerk.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tuesday I try again...


So after the weirdest interview with the Blazers I guess I shouldn't be surprised I didn't get the internship, and I really wanted this one...

After I learned it was too good to be true I emailed the lady just asking for some advice. She is young and successful, and has a job in athletic design, so I asked her if she could give me feed back on my portfolio. Unfortunatly its seems as though she can't be bothered by a student.
After this year I have learned most professionals are more then willing to help a student out a little.... but she did not. I didn't even get an email back saying she couldn't cuz she was busy, or because she doesn't do that.... nothing, not even an excuse. I guess it shows me it probably isn't the best place to work. I couldn't even make them crack a smile!!!! Shit.

On the other hand the day after I lost that internship I got an email inviting me to an interview with OMSI.... no not as cool as the Blazers..... but yes it is OMSI!! So we will hope that the interview isn't like talking to a brick wall, and that the head designer might chat a little or even get my sarcasm... cuz thats what I do. Fingers crossed, cuz I am loosing all hope in myself.

Tuesday I try again.

Saturday, March 21, 2009



This was the intro screen to the movie Australia. Anyone else find it weird?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009



Wow, a lot of blogging today. But this is just so great!



Here is the blog of the guy who showed me around at LAIKA, Vi. He does some pretty amazing "rough sketches".

Getting ready for the BLAZERS


So last night I cleaned up some of my old work and made a few more pieces to put in my portfolio for my interview. This is what I came up with.

So last night I cleaned up some of my old work and made a few more pieces to put in my portfolio for my interview. This is what I came up with.



My sister and I went to get her a cat today... these were the two we couldn't leave! But after about 5 hours of debating she went with multi color one...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009



More good news.... I have an interview on Thursday for an graphics internship with the BLAZERS.... how cool would that be.



Today I got to go on an informational interview at the LAIKAs development department. I can't even begin to explain how cool it was. I got to see the development of the movies they are working on and talk to almost everyone there. This is the place to work. Nothing is set in stone yet and they all pretty much get to just experiment with character and styles and all kinds of sweet stuff.
One of the producers even sat down with me and talked about one of the movies she is working on, it was all so helpful. However it was all overwhelming as well.... I don't know if I could ever create something as neat as these people were...

I've got some work to do.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Winter Reviews


Here are a few pictures...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Kiva's not so big break....


but hey I still got paid....

"Missoula" from Jainee Dial on Vimeo.



Saturday morning....and while I am up early and working it is the end of the longest week ever! And I wasnt even one of the many who were up all hours of the night!

Reviews were yesterday and I was really happy with how it went. The general consensus seemed to be that I was on a good track and for this last term I really just need to push it further. What will I do.... I have no idea, but I have a month of sitting at work to think about it. I will post some photos soon.

Friday, March 6, 2009



A sweet visit from LAIKA....